Seek Truth, Speak Truth: Vaccines

In my last post, I said, “I believe that God is leading me in a direction and I am seeking to be obedient. Lamp to my feet, light to my path; I’m taking this one step at a time.”

So, after much prayer, seeking the Lord, talking with my husband, family and friends, I’m taking the next step. I’m going to discuss vaccines.

Before you roll your eyes and quit reading, please consider the benefits of hearing from someone you may disagree with. If we never considered an opposing position, we’d still be the same people we were last week, last year, or ten years ago. In order to grow, we have to listen to others, think critically about what they are saying, and, if you are a believer, hold up what they say to the standard of Scripture and make a choice to either adopt the belief or abandon it as false. It may be inconvenient or uncomfortable, but neither convenience nor comfort are ideals that we have been called to as believers.

CDC Recommended Vaccine Schedule

Before I dive in, I want to show you this list comparing the vaccine schedules in 1962, 1983 and 2016. As of 2019, the number of CDC recommended doses is 74, compared to three in 1962 and 24 in 1983. Why the substantial increase? It’s not unreasonable to cite the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which freed all vaccine manufacturers from liability resulting from vaccine injury or death, as a possible cause. As a result of this legislation, vaccines became highly profitable.


Where There is Risk, There Must Be Choice

Why am I choosing to speak up now? States are beginning to pass bills mandating the full CDC vaccine schedule–that is 74 vaccines from before birth (given to mother during pregnancy) to 18. Previously, there have been philosophical, religious, and medical exemptions available. These bills make it nearly impossible to get an exemption.

We cannot allow this to happen. Liberty and justice for all. Everyone. Not just those with whom we agree. Find out what bills are currently on the table in your state here.

No matter one’s opinion regarding the safety and effectiveness of vaccines–where there is risk, there must be choice.

“But they are safe…”

This is directly from the FDA M-M-R II (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella) package insert:

“Death from various, and in some cases unknown, causes has been reported rarely following vaccination with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines;”

“M-M-R II has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.”

And as for effectiveness,

“As for any vaccine, vaccination with M-M-R II may not result in protection in 100% of vaccinees.”

Do not take my word for it. You can read the FDA inserts for every vaccine here.

The FDA recently approved a 6-in-1 vaccine that is to be given to babies beginning at six weeks of age. Again,

“VAXELIS has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility.”

Additionally, they tell us that you should not receive this vaccine if you have a history of:

“fever ≥40.5°C (≥105°F), hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode (HHE) or persistent, inconsolable crying lasting ≥3 hours within 48 hours after a previous pertussis-containing vaccine. (5.2)-seizures within 3 days after a previous pertussis-containing vaccine. (5.2)”

How can they know about a child’s reaction to something they have never received and when they are only six weeks of age?

VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) was set up by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to track adverse reactions to vaccines. Additionally, there is an excise tax on every vaccine administered that goes into the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) fund to pay out to those who are adversely affected by vaccines. There is risk and the pharmaceutical companies, as well as the government, are well aware. Why else would these programs exist? Where there is risk, there has to be choice.


According to the CDC website, various vaccines can include: aluminum, mercury (thimerosal), formaldehyde, antibiotics, monosodium glutamate (MSG), human fetal cells (listed as human diploid), GMOs, animal proteins and DNA, glyphosate (Roundup) and preservatives such as Polysorbate 80.

These are directly from the CDC website:




Vaccine Injury

You may have a fully- or partially-vaccinated child who did not suffer any adverse effects. This does not mean that vaccines are safe for everyone. We all have a different genetic makeup and whereas one child may be able to more effectively and/or rapidly detoxify certain vaccine ingredients (such as heavy metals mercury and aluminum), others cannot. And there is no way to know until after the vaccines have been administered and the child suffers an injury or worse.

There is a documentary that was released in 2011 entitled The Greater Good. It is currently on YouTube and follows three families that have suffered vaccine injury. Please take the time to listen to their stories.

Maybe a child doesn’t have autism or experience seizures. But what about speech delay? Asthma? These conditions have become more widespread as the vaccine schedule has grown.

“Today, some 15 percent of school children suffer from asthma. The point is, we haven’t eradicated sickness with vaccines, we haven’t even stopped inflammatory lung disease with the pertussis vaccine, we have just traded an acute, self-limiting illness for a chronic, never ending battle.” (Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care, Morell, Cowan, MD).

Sanitation and Hygiene

What about polio? Generations before us credit the polio vaccine for eradicating polio. In looking at history, we see that polio had already started to decline by at least 90% due to public sanitation and hygiene in the early 1950s and the vaccine was introduced in 1955. Similarly, diphtheria declined drastically before the introduction of a vaccine. Cases of smallpox actually increased after the introduction of a mandatory smallpox vaccine in the 1860s and “decreased only after an organized uprising by parents and doctors forced European governments to end their mandatory vaccination programs.” (Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care, Morell, Cowan, MD). Typhoid and scarlet fever died out on their own without a vaccine.

Follow the Money

I mentioned earlier that vaccines became highly profitable for manufacturers in 1986 when they were released from all liability. I also shared that when a vaccine is administered, there is a tax collected that goes into a fund specifically for the purpose of compensating families who experience adverse reactions to a vaccine. This means that families are funding these payouts, not the pharmaceutical companies. They carry no risk. You can view the April 2019 financial statements for the VICP fund here. Not only are they not responsible for compensating the affected families, but they are profiting from the excise tax. In April 2019 alone, the VICP earned $8.6M in interest revenue. According to the International Trade Administration, the pharmaceutical industry is making more than a trillion dollars in profits yearly. I am for businesses making profit, but not at the expense of others’ life, liberty, and property.

We are one of the only countries that allows drug advertising. Merck spent $100 million in marketing for Gardasil (HPV/cervical cancer vaccine) the first year it was released. It was set to undergo a four-year trial, but after 15 months, the creators of Gardasil approached the FDA about getting it fast-tracked and the FDA agreed. The trial ended and Gardasil was released to the public. It was initally for women ages 19-26. Then they changed the age range to 9-26. Now it is recommended for boys 9-26. And soon it will be added to the infant schedule. Even if it was a safe vaccine, immunity only lasts five years. Why would they give a HPV vaccine to infants? Who stands to benefit? According to a Washington Post article in 2015, Pharma spends more money on marketing than it does on research.

What can you do?

No matter where one is on this journey, one can always be more informed. Don’t depend on mainstream media to inform decisions. Do the legwork. Read the package inserts, research studies, sign up for email updates from the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), find out what bills are in the works in your state. Maybe you agree with some vaccines, but disagree with others. Mandates don’t allow you that choice. All 74 vaccines will be required if these laws are passed. Fight for parental choice. Share what you learn with people you care about and know that you are not alone in this fight.

Learn More:

The Greater Good

National Vaccine Information Center

NVIC Advocacy (Learn about bills by state here)

ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network)

Rise Mama Rise

FDA Vaccine Package Inserts

CDC Ingredients

VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)

Learn the Risk

Chris Shaw Aluminum Adjuvant Injection Experiment

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